Category: Enterprise

  • Like me

    (Even in 1980 I subscribed as an small art entrepreneur in the Chamber of Commerce, and got myself a VAT, a VAR example contract, and a TAXMAN. It all is somewhere here at I also founded some Non Profit organisations: Like Foundation TYP, PARK4DTV and even more. Look me up at find my…

  • Tools for Video and Social Media – annotated

    Audio and Video Coda To connect to and change my websites, transfer files, write HTML code iMovie Since my best camera is an iPhone  (and since FCPro terribly slowed down and what the X is nobody knows) for simple in and out cuts, crossfades and titles in Video’s for the web, this does do the…

  • Choose two

    Choose two

    Rich & Famous, not Beloved Not Rich, Famous & Beloved Not Famous, Rich & Beloved

  • How to Create an Artist Resume

    (google it to: go your own way, though this is a random first pick though (from 10 years ago?) a good handle: strike through and color are added by me) source: Artist resume guide: An artist resume is different from a regular employment/work resume. A resume is valuable for applying for a grant, residency,…

  • Crowd Funding Crowdfunding is the way to activate your network and find a new audience for your project. Step 1: What do you do? Step 2: What do you give back? Step 3: Define your goal amount. Step 4: The promotional video! Step 5: Prepare project page. Step 6: Who are your sponsors? Step 7: Promote…

  • Tips for artists who  want to sell – John Baldessari

    Tips for artists who  want to sell – John Baldessari

  • For those who do not know: making art is costly

    (translated by google, published in Trouw) TINKEBELL There is in the past week, something remarkable happened. Something everyone seems to amaze outside the arts sector. After extensive research of the Social Economic Council and the Council for Culture is the official. The artist in the Netherlands is poor. Minister Bussemaker said she was afraid of…

  • Annotated example of neoliberal art promotion

    This is an good example of nowadays thought of commercial entrepreneurship, with some comments from • • • • •   petermertens No comments yet; Although they clearly have a commercial point of view, real entrepreneurs, it seems honest to me. 6 Things You Can Do To Promote Your Art – Agora Advice Blog…

  • Your To Do List

      SO NOW YOUR GAVE SOME ATTENTION PER EXAMPLE: YOUR TO DO LIST: Work Create Good Art Be Good. Be Curious.GET ATTENTION marketing |ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ| noun [ mass noun ] the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. the Western arts of marketing and distribution. [ as modifier ] :  a marketing campaign. Claim my own domain name on the web Host my domain, think of…

  • Content

    The categories will fill with content