How to Create an Artist Resume

(google it to: go your own way, though this is a random first pick though (from 10 years ago?) a good handle: strike through and color are added by me)


Artist resume guide:

An artist resume is different from a regular employment/work resume. A resume is valuable for applying for a grant, residency, art gallery show, and more. It may also be attached to an art portfolio, and on your art website.
For artistic resumes, the most recent information under each heading should be stated first. The resume should be easily read, formatted, and printed on high quality paper.
Avoid making it complicated, and keep it simple and to the point.
What I have listed below is only a general guide for creating an artist resume. Please take a look at artist resume examples of others for exact formatting. It helps to have several formatted resumes depending on the purpose. (ie teaching jobs, gallery exhibition , etc.)

  1. How to Create a Resume for Artists – Guide
    – Name and Contact Info
    This is personal contact information. Write your full name at the top, in a large font. Under this include your postal address, email, phone number, fax, and artist website (if you have one).
    Format: Name, Address, Phone #, ,Fax, Email, Website
  2. Biography Information
    Include the year you were born (with city/country), and the city/country where you work and live.
  3. Education
    Provide a list of university degrees and related training courses. Also mention artist workshops, residencies, and the names of noteworthy artists and teachers you may have studied under.
    Suggested Format: Degree, Major, Year, School, City, Country, Year of
  4. Graduation
  5. Awards/ Honours/ Grants
    This is the space to put all special recognitions, art prizes, scholarships, art competitions, fellowships, and grants.
  6. Bibliography
    Indicate all places artwork has been published and mentioned by the media. Include magazine reviews and critiques, newspaper, radio, television, catalogues, and books that have reviewed or mentioned your art. If a popular online website writes about or reviews your art, reference this as well.
  7. Exhibitions
    Provide a list of art exhibitions. Divide this into separate headings if having a lot to list, such as Solo Shows, One Person Shows, and Group Shows. It leaves a better impression if including the word Selected in front of these phrases. (ie Selected Solo Exhibitions) If you are an emerging artist who has zero solo exhibitions, just use the heading Selected Shows.

Suggested Format: Venue, Location, Date

Create your own Website! Reference collections where artwork resides. Include subcategories (permanent, private, and corporate collections) if having much to list here as well. Get permission from private collectors before listing them.
Suggested Format: Name, Place

Professional Affiliations
Indicate all art professional organizations or groups you belong to, such as art clubs, art associations, artist advocacy groups, etc.

Related Professional Experience
Mention art teaching and other art related jobs. Also reference presentations, workshops, lectures, and technical experience.

As indicated already, please look at other artist resumes for preferred formatting. Search for artist resume templates or artist resume sample to find further help.
If applying to larger galleries, try to find resumes of other artists for that specific gallery.
Proofread your art resume before making a final typed copy and enlist the help of a qualified friend to go through it before making your final artist resume.
Besides creating a resume to present to a gallery, artists should have:

How to make an artist statement
